Thursday, November 6, 2014

Cut it Up (and cut it out)

I cut it up...
What in the world?

I painted this many moons ago.  I was a "green" artist (no, not environmentally-friendly, but rather very new to this world of art...I was still learning the do's and don'ts).

I had copied a postcard whose image I fell in love with.  It was a painting (by a living artist) of the beautiful mountains just north of where I lived in Montreal.  My painting looked very close to the original, and I hung it in my son's room...very proud of myself.

As my craft improved, so did my knowledge and understanding that it was wrong to copy someone else's work, other than for learning purposes.  (I'm self-taught, for the most part, and no one ever thought to share this with me.  You just didn't hear a lot about this topic in the olden days.)

So, at some point I took the painting off the wall, but I didn't know what to do with it (I couldn't legally sell was my baby...I couldn't see myself just throwing it out).  

It has moved with me, sat in a couple of attics and recently sat hidden, back in the far reaches of my studio.  Until this week.  For some reason, I was suddenly ready.

I pulled it out, smiled at it, told it "thank you" for making me learn, and for making my heart sing when I looked at the happy colors.  But it was time to say goodbye.

If I had used acrylics to paint it, I could have gesso'd it and painted over it (although the raised, textured paint would always point a finger at me, telling me there were trees under there).  But I didn't use acrylics.  I used oils for the one and only time, and I never painted in oils again.  Nor do I plan to.  And you can't paint acrylics over oils.  

So, out came the Xacto knife and now the painting sits by the trash can (too big to fit into it).  I have to deal with it one more time (knocking it down) before it no longer haunts me.  
p.s.  my apologies to the artist whose work I copied (but a big thank you for making me fall in love with your work).  I don't even know your's been so long.

Come paint with me! 
In 2015, we're going to Venice, Jamaica, Niagara Falls, Montreal and so on!!!  
Find details HERE.


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