Monday, November 19, 2018

Daphne goes to Venice (Part 1)

This coming April, I'm taking Daphne (my youngest granddaughter) to Venice with me.  With us will be her Daddy (our son), one of her favorite people on Earth!  I'm excited he's coming too because we never get to spend much time together and he's heard me talking about Venice for years. He might as well see what all the fuss is about!

About 1.5 years ago, after one of my Venice trips, Daphne (then age 5?), listened very attentively to my travel stories.  She took me to one of my watercolors hanging on their wall, and said, "tell me again about the bird in the cage?".  

"Italian Colors" by Helen K Beacham Fine Art
In a Private Collection.
She listened again, as I told her the story of sitting across the canal from these colorful buildings on Burano (an island in the Venetian lagoon, just north of Venice).  I told her that an older lady was playing piano from the top window in the orange house.  I told her that there was a birdcage in the window below that, where a canary sang for us while we painted!

Daphne, with truly innocent eyes, looked at me and said "I'm going with you one day, Oma".  Oh, boy.  I was smitten and then I spent a year working on her parents to get the okay to take her.  And now we're actually going!  Planning is half the fun, BTW.  She's our little artist, so I've already got her drawing from some of my Venice photos so that she gets used to the different architecture and colors.

She spent the night this week, and together we read the story "Mimi and Piggy's Adventure in Venice".

Book by Chisato Tashiro.  Find it HERE.
Many questions ensued after that, including "Can I go swimming in the Grand Canal?".  I replied "No, Daphne. There are lots of boats on the Grand Canal."  After a second to think, she said "after the boats go home for the night, can I go swimming??".  And so OUR adventure continues....

I think I'd like to record our story as time goes by.  If they bore you, just delete-delete!

I wish you and your families a very Happy Thanksgiving!  I'm grateful for each of you that have touched my life.  I wish I could repay the bounties!!

In 2019, I'm teaching at a castle in France (where we'll LIVE!)

And YOU can come with me!

Early Bird fees (thru this Dec 15) apply!
Non-painting spouses are also invited! 

And following the Castle workshop, I'm thinking of adding a
Sightseeing trip to Cinque Terre, Italy (or elsewhere TBD).
Let me know if you'd like info as it develops.



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