Saturday, April 21, 2012

New Painting (post #5)

Back in the studio today after a day away from it.  Recharged.

In addition to many things that I'm thinking about (as I start my painting day), I think about what I'd like to title this piece.  (sorry for this teaser, but truthfully, I have no clue yet as to what I'm going to call it).

I just added more masking fluid over the first wash in certain areas on the right side and in the upper middle section.  I want to preserve some of those middle values.

Do I always add this much masking fluid?  No.  But this morning I order another bottle of it.  (does that make me an addict???)  I don't know about you, but I hate to run out of something right in the middle of a piece.  I run a well-stocked studio, and my vendors love me for it!

I've added another layer of color to the top left and middle areas.  Trying to show a separation between the masses of shapes. Going a little darker (that means using pretty much the same colors as before, but with less water...kind of like a milky consistency, rather than thin like tea).

I just stood back from my table to get more of a distant view of things, and would you believe I noticed something that I have thought about before, but I rarely think about consciously.  It's this:  after painting all these 30 years, I've definitely got a palette of colors that are "mine".  Look at this photo below...3 different paintings in the works, in 3 different media.  But all three work together because the colors I grab tend to be the same (for the most part).  I know it's a little hard to see, but you'll probably get the idea.

So, now for a picture of where I'm at with the "untitled" painting.  I've added more middle values all over the painting, and I've started adding a few darks so I can start to get excited about what's before me!  Just be sure not to put darks where you don't eventually want them.  Tip:  Keep in mind that your reflections should correspond back to the landscape above them.  So when you paint the landscape, put similar color into the reflections as well.  I've taught a whole workshop just on reflections, and there's always more to study and observe in nature.  (p.s.  I'm getting anxious to rub off that masking fluid....!  It's getting annoying.  But we all know I can't yet.)  There is no color in the plumes of the pampas grass yet.  That's pure white from the paper, plus the yellow of the masking fluid.  They will be the last things I paint.  They even look whiter than the sky (which also has no color yet), but because the plumes appear next to the darks, they look whiter than the sky.

Time to get a glass of tea and let the paint do its thing on the paper.  I may go work in the garden a bit while I'm downstairs...see you later!

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