I took a watercolor workshop from Milford Zornes (a leader in the California watercolor movement) in about 1982. Milford died at the age of 100 in 2008. That means he was 74 when I took the class from him. I had only been painting about 1 year when I studied with him, and boy did I ever take a bunch of notes! (p.s. for his 100th birthday, he did a watercolor demonstration for the National Watercolor Society and they filmed it....I kid you not. I bought the DVD as soon as it was released. He died shortly after that.)
I was reminded of him this past week when I called my artist friend, Diane P, who had just moved into her new place. I said "what are you doing right now?". She said, "I'm sitting back, enjoying my Milford Zornes over the mantle." It turns out she had also taken lessons from Zornes (unbeknownst to me) and she owned 3 of his paintings!
After I hung up the phone, I headed over to Amazon and bought one of his books. I simply wanted another piece of him.
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